Saturday, March 31, 2018

The power of a look

It's been a while since I blogged. To provide a bit of a life update, Alaina is now two years old and keeps my wife and I pretty busy. Last fall I left my position with Christian Student Fellowship at Penn State. I won't go into the reasons behind that decision, but since that time I've been able to be more present with my family. Getting Alaina to go to bed and stay in bed has been a struggle recently and despite the time spent each night, I'm glad I can be home to help put Alaina in bed.

Earlier tonight Alaina was cuddled in my lap as we sat in the rocking char. I had just finished singing the hymn "It is well with my soul" which is one of our regular bed time songs. As I rocked her she looked up at me at one point. I looked down and smiled. She saw my smile and smiled back. This went on for several minutes with her looking up, me smiling back, and this big grin spreading across her face. 

At two years of age Alaina can already tell when we're happy and when we're upset. And she takes her cues from us. When we celebrate something she claps her hands. If we get scared because she's about to do something she shouldn't, she get's upset. 

There's a lot of power in a simple look. Each expression communicates a message, intentional or unintentional. 

This weekend we are observing Easter. Not willing that anyone should perish apart from Him, God sent Jesus into the world to communicate face to face His heart for His people. In Jesus we see the compassion God has for the lost (Matthew 9), the anger He feels over man's greed (John 2), and the heartache He experiences when He sees us suffering (John 11). In Jesus we see God's delight in His Son (Matthew 3) and we see a glimpse of the delight He has with us. Romans 8 tells us we are co heirs with Christ and if we are brothers and co-heirs how much more does God also delight in us?!

In Jesus we also see the Father turn his face away (Matthew 27). Jesus takes our sin upon Himself. He takes our punishment upon Himself. He takes God's wrath upon Himself. Everything Jesus experiences on the cross, the rejection, the mocking, the suffering, was meant for us. Before we accepted Christ God was turning His face away. But because of Christ He turns His gaze back towards us. 

And He smiles. 

As we celebrate the risen Savior, let us reflect on the face of Jesus. What do you see in His face this Easter? Joy? Sadness? Delight? Concern? Whatever you see, know that God wants to delight in you.