Sunday, October 25, 2009

Half Full

Into my senior year of College (I graduate December of 2010) I find myself taking stock of where I am, and where I'm going. Many of my friends are graduating soon, and getting jobs, some have gotten married or are engaged. Many of my communication major friends have completed internships in preparation.

Then there's me.

I am graduating soon. I am not planning at this time to pursue a full time job with communication. Part time maybe, but even that is a slight chance. I don't have an idea of where I will be 5 years from now, or even what side of the world I will be on 10 years from now. While so many of my friends are figuring this out, I am leaving it up to Him.

Even as my plans are His to make, I still find myself looking for the pieces missing in my life. I've been focusing on what I don't have, and that has taken my eyes off Him, and those around me. But God spoke into my heart earlier in response to prayers to remind me of what I do have, and to wait.

He's told me that what I feel I am missing, is not due to myself (I have often over analyzed myself often wondering is it this?). Meantime I realized just how good I do have it right now, and the gifts God is trying to give me meanwhile.

Thank you God for speaking truth to me, not only in your whispers but also through my sisters and brothers.

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