Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Meaningful Prayer

It's been too long since I last regularly updated my blog. I will be making more of an effort to share what God is teaching me as well as observations from my walk with God. So let's get back at it!

During the summer our CSF (Christian Student Fellowship) staff have been starting our staff meetings on Monday morning by spending some time in Psalms. This past Monday we read Psalm 5. As we dug into the passage one verse really caught my attention:

"In the morning Lord you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. Psalm 5:3

Lately life has been busy with a seemingly endless list of tasks. You would think summer session would mean campus ministry slows down quite a bit. But between moving, spending time at a church camp, meeting new students, life remains busy. In the middle of that I've noticed my prayers mainly revolve around meal times.

Just the other day as I felt the pressure of everything I needed to get done over the next two weeks I found myself calling out to Jesus. As I asked for his help with these burdens I realized how little I've had meaningful prayer time lately.

Often we pray to God like we're leaving someone a voicemail. We dial, we leave a message for why we're praying, then we say "in Jesus name Amen" This is why Psalm 5:3 stood out to me. Here David would share with God what lay on his heart, then he would wait expectantly. David gave God time to reply, and while he waited, he enjoyed God's presence. Reading that my heart immediately begins to desire some uninterrupted time with God. Time where I can set aside all the "to do's" and just enjoy Him.

Summer may have presented more of a work load than I first anticipated, but some of that load will have to wait until after I take some time in my day to spend with Jesus.

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